adds additional REST endpoints to a `ModelViewset
After you defined a flow around django models as described in Wrapping Django Models you
can add FlowRESTMixin
to the ModelViewset and define
flow_state attribute
If your flow class has single constructor with only one argument - the django object been wrapped, the rest interface would automatically use it
The flow class construction could be overridden in the get_object_flow method
from viewflow.fsm import FlowRESTMixin
class ReviewViewSet(FlowRESTMixin, viewsets.ModelViewSet):
flow_state = ReviewFlow.stage
queryset = Review.objects.all()
serializer_class = ReviewSerializer
def get_object_flow(self, request, obj):
"""Instantiate the flow without default constructor"""
return ReviewFlow(
obj, user=request.user,
def get_serializer_class(self):
if self.action in ('approve', 'reject'):
return ReviewAuditSerializer
return super().get_serializer_class()
@action(methods=['POST'], detail=True, url_path='transition/approve')
def approve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
instance = self.get_object()
flow = self.get_object_flow(request, instance)
if not flow.approve.has_perm(request.user):
raise PermissionDenied
if not flow.approve.can_proceed():
raise ValidationError(_('Transition is not allowed'))
serializer = self.get_serializer(instance,, partial=True)
return Response(