adds transitions views to the standard Django Model admin interface.
After you defined a flow around django models as described in Wrapping Django Models you
can add FlowAdminMixin
to the ModelAdmin and define
flow_state attribute
If your flow class has single constructor with only one argument - the django object been wrapped, the admin interface would automatically discover that
The flow class construction could be overridden in the get_object_flow method
from django.contrib import admin
from viewflow import fsm
from .flows import ReviewFlow
from .models import Review
class ReviewFlowAdmin(fsm.FlowAdminMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):
readonly_fields = ('state', )
flow_state = ReviewFlow.state
def get_object_flow(self, request, obj):
return ReviewFlow(
obj, user=request.user,
get_transition_fields method could be overridden to allow an admin user change specific object fields alongside with transition execution.
def get_transition_fields(self, request, obj, slug):
if slug == 'approve':
return ['text', 'comment']
To completely override transition view, specify custom url entry in the get_urls method
def get_urls(self):
return [path(
)] + super().get_urls()
def reject_view(self, request, object_id):
obj = get_object_or_404(self.model, pk=object_id)
flow = self.get_object_flow(request, obj)
if not flow.reject.has_perm(request.user) or not flow.reject.can_proceed():
raise PermissionDenied
if request.method == "POST":
return redirect('../../')
return render(request, ...)
plays well with reversion.admin.VersionAdmin